When and Where Should You Buy Sleeping Pills?

When and Where Should You Buy Sleeping Pills?

Sleeping pills, which are hypnotic or soporific drugs, are becoming increasingly popular among Americans. These drugs help you fall asleep and can relieve symptoms of insomnia.

But they also have many side effects and can be addictive. Some people develop a tolerance and become physically dependent on sleeping pills.

Over-the-counter (OTC)

Over-the-counter (OTC)

OTC sleeping pills can be useful for short-term sleep problems, like if you are sick or traveling. But they shouldn’t be used long-term, since many of them can aggravate sleep problems.

Most OTC sleep aids use antihistamines (diphenhydramine hydrochloride or doxylamine succinate) as their main active ingredient. They can help you fall asleep, but they also have side effects that can include dry mouth, dizziness, and forgetfulness.

Another common OTC sleep aid ingredient is melatonin, which is a hormone your body naturally produces to regulate its sleep-wake cycle. Taking OTC melatonin can be helpful for people with jet lag and trouble falling asleep at night.

Using OTC sleep aids can also cause a hangover effect the next day, drowsiness that lasts well into the morning. They can also interact with other medications you are taking, so speak with your healthcare provider before using OTC sleep aids.


When it comes to getting a good night’s sleep, there are a lot of choices out there. For starters, you can buy gabapentin 300 mg that may help you get some shut-eye. But, if you really want to get the best night’s sleep possible, you need to talk to your doctor about the right treatment for you.

One of the most common types of sleeping pills is a benzodiazepine. These sedatives are often prescribed in conjunction with other medications to help you sleep better. Be sure to read the label and ask your pharmacist what the best dosage is for you. You should also be careful not to overdose on these substances, as this is a serious health risk and can lead to life-threatening side effects. The most important thing to remember is to use these medicines as directed. The only bad news is that they can be very addictive and hard to quit. The best way to avoid a downward spiral is to make an appointment with your doctor for a checkup as soon as you notice the signs of trouble.


If you have trouble getting to sleep, you may need to take a sleeping pill with a non-benzodiazepine. They can be more effective for some people than benzodiazepines, but they have some disadvantages.

These drugs don’t act on the same areas in the brain as benzodiazepines, so they don’t have the same side effects and risks of dependence. However, they are still considered controlled substances.

They also are not safe for use with opioids, because they depress respiration and increase the risk of overdose.

Because of these dangers, we don’t generally prescribe benzodiazepine hypnotics for patients taking opioids as first-line insomnia medications.

They can cause physical withdrawal symptoms when you stop using them and if they aren’t taken properly, you can experience psychological withdrawal as well. In addition, some sleeping pills may cause parasomnia, a disruptive sleep disorder that makes you do things while you’re still asleep, such as sleepwalking and talking.


There are several types of sleep aids to choose from. The most common and least effective are the caffeine powered ones. They are best for short term use and are often prescribed as an adjunct to a more comprehensive treatment plan that incorporates behavioral therapy, sleep education, exercise and other lifestyle changes. 


Using the best sleep aids to complement an active treatment plan is the smartest thing you can do. Insomnia is an unfortunate condition that affects millions of Americans every night, and it can have serious health consequences if left untreated. For most patients, the best way to combat insomnia is through a combination of lifestyle changes, sleep education and the appropriate medications.